I have a lot to accomplish, I have nothing to prove – A year in review – 2021
One thing I do enjoy is writing these blogs it gives me a release of what I felt at the time. It is great to look back at these and see how all the good, bad & ugly continues to move the wheel in this case – Tennis Canberra.
I thought 2019 was tough with the bushfires but soon after 2020 gave us Shutdown Number #1. Both times we bounced back but after the end of 2020 the fuel indicator was on orange. On to 2021… The skies opened up and a fresh start was to come. Sadly, we were hit again by the pandemic and emotionally this year it really hurt – my fuel gauge was flashing red!
Restarting late in 2021 was a whirlwind trip and by the time we were up and running we needed the Christmas break to arrive. From an internal team perspective everyone was done for the year – we really couldn’t wait for 2021 to end.
Just keep swimming…
Like Nemo’s friend Dory, floating around is not in my nature. The only option is to keep swimming and exploring. There are two options – I can float and I am sure things will be okay or I can continue to give it 110% even if it kills me.

“I still have a lot to accomplish but nothing to prove” – Stephen Curry 2021
This quote has stuck with me in 2021. This has been a running battle I think many people have in their lives – whether it’s work or sport. Proving myself to those in my industry, those I grew up with, my family and friends is sometimes gives us fuel to continue to tick boxes that we think need to be tick however, the one thing I have come to realise once you stop having to prove your worth to others the more energy you have to use for things that are important.
I am not going to say that it is an approach that was needed as I started Tennis Canberra almost 10 years ago as having that “chip on your shoulder” gives you a certain hunger to show your worth but as the years go past you certainly adapt a more internal approach to striving to impress anyone.
For that reason, I am hoping to continue to block out the noise and concentrate on the little things that can make big differences. I think the birth of my daughter will be a constant reminder that using energy in a positive will always benefit you and those around you.
This energy has not been established in 2021 for many reasons and it wasn’t hard to see the outcome…
It’s no excuse… But it is… Being a parent is hard
Those on my instagram may have noticed a change in picture choice with Iris basically every post in 2021. Don’t get me wrong seeing Baby Iris come in to the world is by for the great thing I have experienced but being a first-time parent is bloody hard. I understand this blog is about the business but it is all interlinked.
I look at my parents a different way now and I am sure my two brothers and I were terrible kids – my mum always tells people “he was an active kids growing up”… That is basically code for he was psycho but I have to love him.
Long story short, the energy I’ve spent learning to become a parent meant my role as a leader of the Tennis Canberra team had to take a backseat. I did apologies to my guys at the end of the year – I just couldn’t be there this year. I do feel bad but it is what it is and these are the up’s & down’s small businesses go through – just keep swimming,

What is to come? Your guess is as good as mine…
Predicting what is to come is like guessing if the housing boom will end. One thing I have taking out of the last 3 years of disruption is anything can happen no matter how unlikely. Plan A, B, C, D is not enough in these tentative times but if all things fail it is not the end of the world.
I am hoping 2022 will give us challenges that we have more control over. Instead of a fires, I hope there is a hole in our coaching we can resolve. Instead of a shutdown, I hope we can navigate issues of servicing full capacity sessions at a high level. Instead of rain, I hope it only rains on Sundays so we can spend valuable time with our families.
There are two people I do want thank for 2021 – Baby Iris who is about to turn 1 this January and my partner Svits who continues to be the best mother in the world. It has been a tough year for everyone but to have someone who gives 110% to make sure our little one has everything she needs is something that cannot be ignored.
We may have to search a little harder for the positives in 2021 but all small wins will always trump the tough times. I’ll see you on the other side! Bring on 2022.