Weather Update: Thursday 22nd of October – All sessions are going ahead despite morning showers

Weather Update: Thursday 22nd of October – All sessions are going ahead despite morning showers

Update 1:30pm: No rain present and the sun peeps out every now and then. The courts are fine and if no rain hits in the next hour we should be good to get on for all afternoon/evening sessions. Please check this link before you leave for you lesson.

Update 11am: The rain has passed and pending no more rain and a bit of breeze our courts should be fine for all afternoon sessions. Please check back at 1:30pm for another update on the court condition.

Update 9:19am: Rain is constant and it seems to be sticking around. We will make a call at 1:30pm however today it looks like the courts could puddle even if the rain clears. Saying that yesterday the rain stopped the sun came out and the courts were fine so be sure to check back here at 1:30pm for an update.