Weather Update -Wednesday 14th of September – Flooded: All Classes at Reid Tennis Club is cancelled!
Update: 3:38pm – All Tennis Session at Reid Tennis Club is cancelled – The Rain Hit Again!! Sorry everyone, because the courts were already flooded and we were hoping the sun and wind could dry them out for our later sessions another dose of water to the courts are giving us no chance tonight. We are doing a make up sessions for everyone next Friday 23rd of September. Click Here to see what time your sessions is. Your other option is to attend another session during the week. Please visit the timetable to find out where and when that sessions is. We do need to know you are attending so we can alert the on court coach.
Update: 3:34pm – Sorry for the late update we knew the rain was going to stop so we gave it a chance but unfortunately all lessons before 5pm is cancelled. Very good chance 5-6pm (check back at 4:30pm) will be too unless the wind and sun picks up and we’ll make a call for adults closer to 5pm (but that is looking doubtful as the courts are underwater). 6pm Cardio Tennis is tentative due to the nature of the activity so we’ll keep you posted!